The Guest House
Dear Guest,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our Abbey. We would like you to feel completely at home here and spend your time fruitfully. The Guest House is a part of the monastery – the home of the monks who pray and work here. We invite you to enter this sacred space and experience the pervasive Holy Spirit. It was almost 1000 years ago when people set out on their personal quest for God in this place. If you wish to, you can join the monks in their work and in their prayers. You can also speak individually to the Fathers. We hope that you will find here the blessing of a true peace.
Monks and Employees of the Tyniec Abbey
Benedictine hospitality provides you with:
-extraordinary atmosphere
-breakfast (buffet style) included in the price of the room
-delicious meals prepared in the Abbey – mainly Polish cuisine
-professional and kind service
-an ability to hear the Gregorian chant
-an ability to take part in the Liturgy of the Hours
-an ability to have a spiritual conversation with a monk
-a guide who will show you around the Abbey and tell you about the history and the tradition of the Tyniec Abbey
-an ability to join the monks in their work and in their prayers.
-an ability to take a walk in the beautiful Abbey’s garden
-for men who would like to, there is a possibility to eat meals together with the monks in the monastery refectory
In the Abbey you will find:
-Saint Peter and Paul Church
-Museum connected with the history and the tradition of the Abbey
-Café with an observation deck and a beautiful view on the Vistula River
-Shop where you can buy Benedictine products
Price List:
Prices are given in Polish Złoty currency (PLN) and the price given on the left is a basic price/ individual stay, while the price on the right is a price within participation in workshops or retreats)
„Opatówka” – Standard rooms (room + bathroom in the corridor, old wing of the Abbey, building without elevator)
Room Type
1 person Standard 140 PLN / 120 PLN
2 people Standard 240 PLN / 220 PLN
3 people Standard 310 PLN / 280 PLN
2 people Standard Plus 330 PLN / 290 PLN
The Great Ruin – Comfort Rooms (room with bathroom, new wing of the Abbey, building with the elevator)
1 person Comfort 260 PLN / 220 PLN
2 people Comfort 390 PLN / 340 PLN
3 people Comfort 500 PLN / 450 PLN
4 people Comfort 590 PLN / 530 PLN
-VAT and breakfast (buffet style) is included in the price of the room
– Stanisław Szczygielski and Magdalena Mortęska rooms in “Opatówka” are treated as Comfort rooms
Information for Guests:
-there is a possibility to buy the meals prepared in the Abbey’s kitchen
-Check-in: from 4 PM, check-out: until 10 AM
-while check-in Guests receive the hotel guest card that allows Guest to have a 5% discount in Abbey’s restaurant, bookshop, café and the shop with Benedictine products
-The Reception Desk is open every day from 6.00 AM to 9.30 PM.
The Reservation Desk operates from Monday to Friday from 8.00 AM to 4 PM.
(In other time please contact The Reception Desk)
E-mail: rezerwacje@jg.benedyktyni.com
Phone: +48 12 68 85 450
The Reception Desk
Operates every day from 6.00 AM to 9.30 PM.
E-mail: recepcja@jg.benedyktyni.com
Phone: +48 12 68 85 452
Living within our community means conforming to the existing order and time-honoured rules. We would like you to read the following rules and respect them while staying at the Abbey:
- Please keep silence in the Guest House, especially in the corridors. It is indispensable for intensifying the inner life of the spirit and spending retreat time fruitfully. Conversations should be held in the rooms or in places designed for this particular purpose.
- If you wish to speak to one of the Fathers, please schedule an appointment through the Guest House Prefect or through The Reception Desk.
- Please obtain the quiet hours between 9.30 PM to 6. AM on the whole Abbey territory.
- You can drive into the monastery churchyard in order to take your luggage to your room or in other special need. There is a dedicated enclosed parking lot for Abbey’s Guests. Please ask The Reception Desk for directions.
- The Abbey’s Main Gate is open from 6 AM to 9.30 PM. Please inform The Reception Desk in case of every later arrival previously.
- It is strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages at the Guest House. You may smoke only outside the monastery territory (and the churchyard).
- There is an ability to take a rest and a walk in the beautiful Abbey’s garden excepted for the upper garden part that is intended for monks only.
- Payment must be made at the Reception Desk the moment you collect the keys to your room. Credit cards are accepted.
History of the Abbey
The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec is the oldest existing monastery in Poland. The first Benedictines arrived here around the mid-11th century. The monastery hill, however, had been inhabited much earlier, already in the fourth millennium before Christ. The first historian to specify the year (1044) of the foundation of Tyniec Abbey was Jan Długosz (†1480).
Unfortunately, we do not know Długosz’s source for this date. The oldest Tyniec document, dating back to around 1124, is merely a confirmation of the monastery’s holdings at the time, and its existence in the second half of the 11th century is confirmed by the preserved remains of the church, the foundations, and the oldest graves.
For over 100 years, historians have been involved in a debate about who founded Tyniec Abbey and when it happened. Some stand by Długosz’s indication of the year 1044 and Prince Casimir I the Restorer as the founder. Others refer to the arrival of the monks to the reign of Boleslaus II the Generous and his coronation as King of Poland (1075). In the early medieval times, founding a monastery was a complex process. It can be assumed that the foundation of Tyniec Abbey was commenced by Prince Casimir I the Restorer, possibly on the initiative of his mother, Queen Richesa. It was probably through her intermediation that the first monks came to Krakow from Cologne (her home). The subsequent monarchs granted more lands to the monastery and thus became its co-founders. The foundation process could be considered closed by the consecration of the church by the papal legate (probably around 1124), who also issued a document confirming the lands already held by the abbey.
In the early 14th century, when Vladislaus the Elbow-high fought for the throne in Krakow, Tyniec supported his cause, gaining the favour of the prince and future king. The rule of Casimir III the Great and the Jagiellonian era formed a golden period in the history of Tyniec Abbey. The late 14th and early 15th centuries are the time of ecclesiastic reform undertaken by Piotr Wysz, the Bishop of Krakow, and Abbot Mścisław (Mstislav), whom the bishop commissioned to visit the Benedictine monasteries in Malopolska – at Łysa Góra and in Sieciechów. In the second half of the 15th century, Tyniec Abbey was ruled by two outstanding abbots: Maciej of Skawina and Andrzej Ożga. They deserve the credit for building the Gothic church and restructuring the monastery buildings.
The political events of the latter half of the 18th century in Poland did not omit or spare Tyniec Abbey. During the fights of the Bar Confederates, the abbey was turned into a modern fortress, whose focal point was the monastery hill, protected by a system of earthworks on the nearby hillocks. The main period of fights over Tyniec began on 20 May 1771 and went on for over a year, until the capitulation which the Confederates entered into with the Austrian troops. The ongoing warfare wreaked considerable destruction in the abbey. The war campaigns led by Napoleon Bonaparte finally brought about its decline. On 8 September 1816, the Austrian Emperor Francis I signed a decree dissolving the abbey. In the ensuing years, the monastery furnishings, the church treasury, the library and the archives were removed from the site. Abandoned, the monastery buildings turned into ruins. The only part that remained operational was the church, where the authorities moved the parish.
The Benedictines returned to Tyniec on 30 July 1939. The rebuilding of the monastery commenced after World War II, in 1947. The difficult conditions of the post-war reality made it possible to complete the work only at the start of the 21st century. The architecture of the abbey is indicative of its long and turbulent history. Partly preserved are the Romanesque foundations dating back to the latter half of the 11th century (church) and the late 11th/early 12th centuries (parts of the monastery, including the wall of the Romanesque church and the portal seen from the cloister). The cloistered walkways and the main part of the church (the uncovered Gothic windows in the presbytery and fragments of the portal) date back to the latter half of the 15th century. The decoration of the church is primarily the outcome of the 17th-century redevelopment while much of its furnishings date back to the mid-18th century (large altar, pulpit, side chapels).
The historic objects on display at Tyniec are but fragments of the abbey’s former splendor. The treasures of Tyniec are today scattered in various Polish museums, archives and libraries. The most valuable medieval manuscripts are in the collection of the National Library in Warsaw, including the 11th-century Sacramentary, liturgical books funded by the abbots in the 14th and 15th centuries, and a manuscript containing the works of Joseph Flavius. Most of the books ended up in Tarnow, and are held in the library of the seminary there. The Cathedral Treasury in Tarnow holds the Gothic and Baroque chalices and monstrances, and the silver antependium (altar frontal) is displayed in the Cathedral.